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Insights on Video Storytelling for Nonprofits

Trivette Images builds enthusiasm for video storytelling at Associationdylan of Fundraising Professionals meeting

On February 19, 2014 the AFP Western North Carolina monthly meeting was mesmerized by the work of Trivette Images.  Dylan Trivette spoke of the power of creating a custom video for nonprofit motivational storytelling and fundraising and shared examples of his work.

Trivette was introduced as have recently won an Emmy for outstanding documentary.  He shared a video about his company right away, letting the quality of his work set the tone.

Then, with mind blowing statistics, he informed the crowd how very crucial adding video to your fundraising efforts has become. He stated, "People stay on your site two times longer when there is a video to watch… videos are now the #1 shared item on the internet, 90% of mobile users share videos, and 90% of all web traffic is now watching videos online". He promoted the idea of "Missions in motion," using storytelling to pull on heart strings.  His work demonstrated the benefits of using a qualified professional to weave your message with striking cinematography and an emotion-inspirational soundtrack.

Watch the inspiring video, and it will speak for itself:

Trivette Images Promotional Video

The Association of Fundraising Professionals Meeting

Trivette's mission is to lead non-profits to create videos that are so good, so moving, so touching that they become a marketing asset that is naturally spread by the audience. Moving people with an emotional power punch opens their hearts and their wallets, leading people to give and get personally involved for the cause. The benefits of video are measureable and Trivette was ready to answer questions. Statistics flew.

Trivette established multiple goals for video storytelling: Put a face on your cause, engage and educate people, build awareness, motivate your community and raise much needed funds. To achieve these goals, you need a creative approach that takes the viewer into consideration. "Who is your viewer? How can you convey an inspired message?"

Trivette Images Interviewing a client

Whatever tool you choose, the most important thing about storytelling is to present it in a easy to access, easy to comprehend, easy to share, easy to act manner. Adding a call to action at the end of each video helped the audience know what to do to help. Help now. Donate now. Save lives now.

Once you invest time and money in storytelling video, it can be used everywhere. Websites, social media, and YouTube are great ways to promote your cause. Events, conferences, presentations and crowd-sourcing are other venues for your video.  It gives you a quick tool to share with the media and a focused conversation starter with donors. If you have a bricks and mortar facility, don't forget to include an opportunity to show your video there, too.  Stills from the video can become the basis for traditional marketing campaigns using print ads, mail solicitations and billboards.

As Trivette summed up his presentation, he quoted Maya Angelou "People will forget what you said, they will forget what you did, but they will never forget how you made them feel".

Watch selected videos from the Trivette Images for great examples for non-profit video storytelling.  Heurista is ready to help you tell your organization's story.  We specialize in developing tools that work in multiple venues, often including video. Contact us for more information, info@heurista.com.